Sunday, March 28, 2010

oh what a...weekend!

I'll post the day-in-the-life thing later.. I actually have stories to tell!

     I had a paper due Friday morning at 10:00 AM. So naturally the best course of action is to stay up until FIVE AM. After 4 hours of sleep, I roll out of bed when my alarm goes off (because waking up is not a problem for me). I go to print of my paper and get coffee because that is one thing my school can do right: printers and coffee in the same place. To my great disappointment, THE COFFEE SHOP WAS CLOSED! I was desperate and panicked because I really needed my coffee to get through my day. I drag my ass to class, because that was the only way I would get from point A to point B, and I plopped in my usual chair. I informed my professor and the class of 8(normal day: 22), and the professor just disappears. He comes back a minute later and puts a cup of coffee in front of my face. I didn't see him leave, all I saw was the coffee magically appearing. As I was praising the coffee gods, he asks me if I was creme or sugar, and the only thing I can get out of my mouth is the word "...YES." Needless to say, I made it through class and fulfilled my classroom quota of snarky comments. it was a win for everyone.
     As I went to dinner that night, things seemed a little calm. Nothing could top the awesomeness of the morning, until the brief, but extremely awkward moment occurred. The guy at the cash register said, "I meant to tell you on Monday, you looked really nice." I was polite, smiled and said thank you, but what was really running through my mind was "oh my god, he's been thinking about this since MONDAY?!?!?!?" In any other situation, this would have been perfectly acceptable, however, 2 things are at issue: 1) He looks like he was hitting puberty when I was BORN- so about 35. I'm 20, so that's just weird for me. 2) He works at my school! Human resources would be all over his ass in a hot minute, and then, bye bye! No more job in the Lair for you!

     Saturday was just eventful because it was my first full day of work at the bike shop. I sold 1 bike, and rung up 3 more, so it was a good day. I also was told I was "very pretty" by a man with two children who wasn't mentally challenged, he was just a little slow on the uptake. I also watched Annie Hall Saturday night. Alvie Singer is the neurotic, Jewish love of my life.

     And now we're here, and I'm tired. I'm going to get dinner in a few minutes(yay), do my homework(lame), and probably watch a movie/knit(I just proved I'm a 65 year old woman trapped in a 20 year old body. Don't judge me).

Waiting for my rocket--

Thursday, March 25, 2010

...i'm back?

So, it's been... 6 weeks? I promise, I didn't forget about le blog, but my life did kind of explode there for a while, and unfortunately, school comes first. Sickness, Vagina Monologues, formals, Vacations, and new jobs were thrown in the mix too.

I was just reading Girl Goes East, and I feel like there are times when people's lives are so much more interesting at times. I mean, I wish I could say things like "I wish I were making this up" or something along those lines to show that my life is, in fact, crazy. Like one of those days when things just keep happening, and your like, "when did my life become a soap opera?" I know my day in My-Life-Is-Outrageous category will come soon, and, by God, I will tell you every minute of it.

OR MAYBE... tomorrow, I'm going to keep a running tab of everything that happens to me tomorrow, and I'll post it. It will literally be A Day in the Life of Liz. I just hope something good happens, and that it is better than today has been. I would share, but lets face it. No one wants to hear a sad story. Silly, funny, and awkward are what sell in the story department.

Waiting for my rocket--

Friday, February 12, 2010

A truly random discussion

So, I'm watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, and I cannot help but love all of the hats (for the most part) the countries wear. Like Sweden, for example: sky blue and yellow slouchy, knit toboggans. They are so bright and happy, and the moment I saw them, I was thinking "Squee!!! I want one!" (yes, that is the exact sound I made..). I was also a big fan of the USA's kit, and then I quickly realized why I liked it so much: it was designed by Ralph Lauren, just like the past several Olympic (summer and winter) kits. The performance aspect of the ceremonies has started, and it's really quite phenomenal. Nothing like the sheer number of people as Beijing, but the simple elegance truly draws you in. UPDATE: 3-D orcas on the floor!!!!!!! Canada beats China for best Opening Ceremonies performance!!!

Over the past several months, different companies have been playing ads about the Olympics, and I can tell you my two favorites right now: Coca-Cola's world wide snowball fight and Visa having Morgan Freeman inform the world that at this moment, during the Opening Ceremonies, every country is tied in the medal count. They both make me smile a whole lot.

I want to explain how I came up with the name Pink Chair Ramblings. I'm and RA at my school, and at the end of each year, I have to go through each room on my floor and make sure they are empty. Anything left behind is donated to MIFA or GoodWill. After going through one room, I found thing pink, folding, rocking chair...thing, and I thought it was absolutely precious...and i decided to keep it. It is from this chair-thing that I write to you!

Like I told you earlier, I went to New Orleans to sing with the Rhodes Choir. I had so much fun, learned many new silly games, and got to experience a city full of excitement and joy because of the Saints (WHO DAT!!!!) I didn't get as many pictures as I had hoped because I didn't want to take my camera to the French Quarter at night, but other people got some great shots that I hope to share at some point.

I was very excited to return to a SNOW DAY at school in order to recover from my long exhausting weekend! Once I load pictures to facebook, I will link to them here.

I feel like that is enough for today. Look for a "Love" list (perhaps on Singles Awareness Day to not feel so alone? lol), a review of the Jersey Boys Tour and the Rhodes College 2010 run of The Vagina Monolouges! Have a good Weekend!

Waiting for my rocket-

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Inspiration Wednesday

"The Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their Dreams." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Ok, Mrs. Roosevelt might be one of my favorite people ever. Whenever I come across something she said, I truly feel like I can do anything. I have this statement everywhere around me: on a Christmas ornament, on my bookmark, and I'm currently working on my own design of it (which I will share soon) to put in my room. 

So remember: When you feel like nothing is going right, and every plan seems to be failing, just believe, I mean truly BELIEVE, and you will reach your goal.

Waiting for my rocket-

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Beginning

So here's the deal: I've tried multiple times to start/maintain a blog. My whole issue was I never knew what to write about. Recently, I have been following the lovely Zephyr (  and Gala Darling (, and I have found some inspiration.
One of the things I have noticed about their is that certain days tend to have a theme, and I thought, "Hey, I can keep up with that!" And that's what I intend to do here. There are lots of things I like to talk about, but I never really had a plan in place to keep the blog organized. By creating "theme days" and having very open-ended topics, I know I will be able to keep this up.

But (there's always a "but", isn't there?) I am a full time student working 1 (potentially 2..more on that later) jobs. I realize I will not feasibly be able to post every day, so please bear with me.

Here are the potential (and probable, unless people tell me otherwise) theme days:
     Music Monday
     Tuesday Love
     Inspirational Wednesday
     Theatre Thursday
     Fashion Friday
     Random Saturday
     Sunday Rewind

some other things might be thrown into the mix here and there (like a series of some sort), but I'll leave those to chance. I feel like this is a good start anyway. As far as the themes go, I probably won't be able to start those until Monday, seeing as I'll be out of town Thursday-Sunday. However, I'll use these next few days to introduce myself and share my adventures in the great city of New Orleans during Super Bowl weekend, seeing as that's where I'm going. Here's to hoping I survive:

waiting for my rocket--