Friday, February 12, 2010

A truly random discussion

So, I'm watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, and I cannot help but love all of the hats (for the most part) the countries wear. Like Sweden, for example: sky blue and yellow slouchy, knit toboggans. They are so bright and happy, and the moment I saw them, I was thinking "Squee!!! I want one!" (yes, that is the exact sound I made..). I was also a big fan of the USA's kit, and then I quickly realized why I liked it so much: it was designed by Ralph Lauren, just like the past several Olympic (summer and winter) kits. The performance aspect of the ceremonies has started, and it's really quite phenomenal. Nothing like the sheer number of people as Beijing, but the simple elegance truly draws you in. UPDATE: 3-D orcas on the floor!!!!!!! Canada beats China for best Opening Ceremonies performance!!!

Over the past several months, different companies have been playing ads about the Olympics, and I can tell you my two favorites right now: Coca-Cola's world wide snowball fight and Visa having Morgan Freeman inform the world that at this moment, during the Opening Ceremonies, every country is tied in the medal count. They both make me smile a whole lot.

I want to explain how I came up with the name Pink Chair Ramblings. I'm and RA at my school, and at the end of each year, I have to go through each room on my floor and make sure they are empty. Anything left behind is donated to MIFA or GoodWill. After going through one room, I found thing pink, folding, rocking chair...thing, and I thought it was absolutely precious...and i decided to keep it. It is from this chair-thing that I write to you!

Like I told you earlier, I went to New Orleans to sing with the Rhodes Choir. I had so much fun, learned many new silly games, and got to experience a city full of excitement and joy because of the Saints (WHO DAT!!!!) I didn't get as many pictures as I had hoped because I didn't want to take my camera to the French Quarter at night, but other people got some great shots that I hope to share at some point.

I was very excited to return to a SNOW DAY at school in order to recover from my long exhausting weekend! Once I load pictures to facebook, I will link to them here.

I feel like that is enough for today. Look for a "Love" list (perhaps on Singles Awareness Day to not feel so alone? lol), a review of the Jersey Boys Tour and the Rhodes College 2010 run of The Vagina Monolouges! Have a good Weekend!

Waiting for my rocket-

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