Sunday, March 28, 2010

oh what a...weekend!

I'll post the day-in-the-life thing later.. I actually have stories to tell!

     I had a paper due Friday morning at 10:00 AM. So naturally the best course of action is to stay up until FIVE AM. After 4 hours of sleep, I roll out of bed when my alarm goes off (because waking up is not a problem for me). I go to print of my paper and get coffee because that is one thing my school can do right: printers and coffee in the same place. To my great disappointment, THE COFFEE SHOP WAS CLOSED! I was desperate and panicked because I really needed my coffee to get through my day. I drag my ass to class, because that was the only way I would get from point A to point B, and I plopped in my usual chair. I informed my professor and the class of 8(normal day: 22), and the professor just disappears. He comes back a minute later and puts a cup of coffee in front of my face. I didn't see him leave, all I saw was the coffee magically appearing. As I was praising the coffee gods, he asks me if I was creme or sugar, and the only thing I can get out of my mouth is the word "...YES." Needless to say, I made it through class and fulfilled my classroom quota of snarky comments. it was a win for everyone.
     As I went to dinner that night, things seemed a little calm. Nothing could top the awesomeness of the morning, until the brief, but extremely awkward moment occurred. The guy at the cash register said, "I meant to tell you on Monday, you looked really nice." I was polite, smiled and said thank you, but what was really running through my mind was "oh my god, he's been thinking about this since MONDAY?!?!?!?" In any other situation, this would have been perfectly acceptable, however, 2 things are at issue: 1) He looks like he was hitting puberty when I was BORN- so about 35. I'm 20, so that's just weird for me. 2) He works at my school! Human resources would be all over his ass in a hot minute, and then, bye bye! No more job in the Lair for you!

     Saturday was just eventful because it was my first full day of work at the bike shop. I sold 1 bike, and rung up 3 more, so it was a good day. I also was told I was "very pretty" by a man with two children who wasn't mentally challenged, he was just a little slow on the uptake. I also watched Annie Hall Saturday night. Alvie Singer is the neurotic, Jewish love of my life.

     And now we're here, and I'm tired. I'm going to get dinner in a few minutes(yay), do my homework(lame), and probably watch a movie/knit(I just proved I'm a 65 year old woman trapped in a 20 year old body. Don't judge me).

Waiting for my rocket--

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